Elastic Beanstalk upload and deploy doesn't work.


Hi all! When I want to upload a new version of my webapplication (laravel) to Elastic Beanstalk i get stuck in the uploading gui. I can click the upload button but nothing happens (also no error message, just nothing). I been using ELB for years and i never had an issue like that so it came all of a sudden and basically out of nowhere.

asked a year ago292 views
3 Answers

Hi, once I got the same problem and it was because of the duplicated resource name, I changed the resource name before uploading and it worked fine ! also I didn't see the error message because it appears in the top of the web page while I scrolled down to the uploading button

answered a year ago

Would it possible you have reached Elastic Beanstalk application version quota for your account and region? Default quota is 1000 versions across all applications. This can be increased, but better alternative might be deleting old version and configure lifecycle policy.

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answered a year ago

Thanks, it wasn't either, as I found I could upload from the Applications versions page. Now it has resolved itself, so not sure if it was due to a bug on the new layout or what happened.

answered a year ago

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