Route53 Public Hosted Domain domains not resolving


I have a domain registered at godaddy and we want to use Route53 as our DNS for applications we are building. I set up the public hosted zone and entered the 4 name servers listed in the hosted zone details into the Nameservers for the domain at godaddy. when I run a nslookup set querytype=ns for the domain name, it shows the 4 nameservers. nslookup performed on the on the subdomains show the correct A and CNAME record information. But I am unable to resolve the domain name or any subdomains names from any server or PC. Attempting a ping on any of them results in the message "Ping request could not find the host xxxxx. Please check the name and try again" Browsing to them (one is pointed to a web page, the other to an API gateway) results in "The server IP address could not be found" I definitely looks like godaddy is sending the requests to the correct place. And the CNAME and A records are coming through. Why can't these addresses be resolved? Am I missing a step?

  • Little confused, you say you can resolve the domains but also you cant from any server or pc.?

  • @gary mclean That is what it was doing. Now it seems like it might have been just a propagation issue, as it is working now. I set this up a couple of days before posting this. Hopefully not every DNS change takes 3 days to propagate. Thanks for the response!

asked 7 months ago250 views
2 Answers

can you please run the command in terminal (mac/linux ) " dig +trace <domain name>" . The "dig +trace" command provides a complete path of the DNS resolution process. It helps identify problems, validate name servers, check for DNS caching, and serves educational and analytical purposes.

answered 7 months ago

After WordPress was reinstalled, I am facing this problem.

This site can’t be reached took too long to respond. Try:

Checking the connection Checking the proxy and the firewall Running Windows Network Diagnostics ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

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answered 5 months ago

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