Revert S3 Lifecycle Policy


Hello everyone

I have a versioned bucket. I applied the wrong lifecycle policy to my entire bucket. Now, all my files have a delete marker on top of them, making them inaccessible. I want to revert this operation.

I know I can go file by file and remove the lifecycle policy. I have the date and time when the delete marker was created and I can delete one by one this way. However, this will take weeks with my current setup since I'm talking about billions of files.

Edit: can I ask AWS to delete all files that have a specific version for me? If I were to delete them myself, this would take too long.

1 - I would like to know what is the quickest way to delete only the delete markers and thus restore the files.

2 - Could AWS do that for me?

asked 9 months ago361 views
1 Answer
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answered 9 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 9 months ago
  • Yes. I'm currently using both to automate the recovery process. It's working, but I estimate that it will take way too long to finish. My next step is to distribute this process, but it will take me some time to code and finish it. I was hoping that there's a quicker way (even if I have to pay for some AWS support).

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