What's the best way to trigger DynamoDB Import from S3 in Step Function?


I can't see a support of DynamoDB Import from S3 among the out of the box integrations in Step Functions.

Is there a way to trigger it somehow, other than having some Lambda that has aws-cli in it?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

While it is not available from the Optimised Integration API's, all of the DynamoDB API's can be called from the DynamoDB AWS SDK Integration.

How the optimized DynamoDB integration is different than the DynamoDB AWS SDK integration

  • There is no optimization for the Request Response integration pattern.
  • The Wait for a Callback with the Task Token integration pattern is not supported.
  • Only GetItem, PutItem, UpdateItem, and DeleteItem API actions are available through optimized integration. Other API actions, such as CreateTable or ImportTable are available using the DynamoDB AWS SDK integration.
profile pictureAWS
answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 20 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 5 months ago

I think I found the answer myself. Even though the import is not listed in the docs, it seems to be available in AWS Console:


And it seems to use this API: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_ImportTable.html

answered 5 months ago

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