Setting up BGP Neighbor Peer IP in AWS for Site-to-Site VPN (TGW to Cisco Secure Access Cloud)


We're currently configuring a Site-to-Site VPN between a Transit Gateway (TGW) and a Customer Gateway (Cisco Secure Access Cloud). Is there a way to specify the BGP peer IP within AWS so that AWS consistently initiates the TCP sessions for BGP sessions? The Cisco Secure Access VPN device operates in a BGP passive mode and lacks the option to define BGP peer IP addresses. Thank you for any guidance you can provide

asked 25 days ago103 views
1 Answer

The peer BGP IP address, from the point of view of the AWS side of the Site-to-site VPN connection, is defined as follows from the "inside IPv4 CIDR range /30":

  • The odd IP is for AWS side
  • The even IP is for remote BGP neighbor Enter image description here So for instance if you define the CIDR as "", AWS side IP will be and remote BGP neighbour

Regarding ensuring that BGP is established when the remote side BGP is configured in passive mode, I have replicated this scenario in lab, by configuring the remote BGP in passive/listening mode, and I can confirm that AWS side automatically initiates BGP/TCP/179 sessions from AWS side accordingly and the communication completes successfully with BGP route propagation etc, so you should not need to do anything special to have that behaviour.

profile pictureAWS
answered 23 days ago
  • Thank you for providing a clear description of how BGP operates in AWS. However, I've encountered a challenge related to the Cisco Secure Access VPN headend, as it operates similarly. It utilizes the IP addresses and as the endpoints for BGP sessions. I plan to reach out to Cisco Support to address this from their end. In the meantime, I'm curious if there are any workarounds within AWS that could help resolve this interoperability issue. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

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