Table creation using Athena and cross account S3 bucket access


I have a bucket 'X' in account 'A', I want to create a copy of the bucket in account 'B' using Athena. I already have a mapping defined in Athena of account 'B' where I can already access another bucket 'Y' of account 'A'. Now, when I'm using the query editor and running a new query ( where I have specified the location of the buckets of account 'A' & 'B') I'm getting errors and the table isn't getting created. Also, is there any other way in which I can do this?

Errors: FAILED: IllegalStateException Unxpected Exception thrown: Unable to fetch table fifadatacompare. Insufficient Lake Formation permission(s) on fifadatacompare (Service: AmazonDataCatalog; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccessDeniedException

asked 5 months ago122 views
1 Answer

Hello Rajat

You can consider trying below steps:

  1. Go to Lake formation Databases go to the database and select it.

  2. After selecting the database, look for the Actions dropdown menu and click on Grant on Target.

  3. In the Grant on Target dialog, select the database and grant the Create Table or other necessary permissions.

answered 11 days ago

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