AWS Transit Gateway using multiple site VPN connections to a single VPC


I'm using multiple remote (end-user) sites with private networks across the globe. Each private network might have conflicting CIDR ranges (since they're owned by seperate entities) because they aren’t connected today with each other. Each private network has a public IP bearing firewall. If I want connect them to AWS Transit Gateway using multiple VPCs in AWS, would this architecture cause any scalibility issues (other than the 5,000 limit of transit gateway)? Are there any other design patterns that I can leverage for this scenario?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

If you connect to VPN using the provider's TGW, an IP clash can occur.

If the connections are TCP-based and only initiated in one way, then consider using AWS PrivateLink. With AWS PrivateLink, IP overlap issues are removed, because you can either VPN into a dedicated VPC with AWS PrivateLink, or you can provision your own private link. For more information, see the Private Access to Saas Applications section in this whitepaper, or review this YouTube video.

answered 5 years ago
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reviewed 25 days ago

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