Elastic load balancers in shared VPC


Dear community, could anybody please help me with the solution below:


  • I have 2 AWS accounts (Account A and Account B)
  • In Account A I created a shared VPC
  • In Account A I created NLB & ALB
  • In Account A I created a REST API Gateway and VPC Link to NLB
  • In Account A and Account B there are ECS services

I would like to have one API Gateway in front of all these ECS services (like on a picture above).

I expected, that once I have a shared VPC Ill be able to see in AWS console of Account B the ALB created in Account A... But I can not see. Am I missing something? And if the solution Im trying to build even possible?


1 Answer

While you are sharing the VPC (or rather the subnet of it), you are not sharing the resources like ALB deployed into subnet(s).

Participants cannot view or modify resources that belong to other participant accounts.


PrivateLink would allow you to build the solution you have drawn. See https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/apn/enabling-new-saas-strategies-with-aws-privatelink/

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answered 3 months ago

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