Failed to create S3 bucket. AWS Portal: The bucket does not allow ACLs.



This is my first question here because I am stuck. I am trying to get Deadline AWS Portal Link and AWS Asset Server up and running. I remember being successful about two years ago. I've been fuzzing around for the past two days and now I am confronted with an error which I haven't seen back then. Enter image description here Enter image description here Enter image description here

I am running Deadline components. I know it's not the latest and that it could be a source of error, however, that's the version I'm stuck with for the time being.

I can see that the buckets get created AWS S3 and I can also enable ACL's but AWS Portal and Asset Server keep creating new ones. Please help.

Thanks and best regards, Michael

asked 3 months ago195 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi THere

This is likely because of the new default behavior for S3 buckets.

I think you will need to update Deadline. See and

We are aware of an issue when trying to launch AWS Portal infrastructure where it will rollback with a error “Bucket cannot have ACL set with ObjectOwnership’s BucketOwnerEnforced”. The error relates to Amazon S3 updating the default bucket settings to automatically enable Block Public Access (BPA) and disable Access Control Lists (ACLs) 6. We have released Deadline ( 7 which fixes the above issue by disabling the ACL by default on new S3 buckets.

I'm not familiar with this app but is there an option to brig your own bucket as a workaround? If so, maybe you can manually configure the bucket beforehand.

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 3 months ago
  • Thanks a lot Matt-B! These announcements seem almost too obvious to overlook. And yet... Really happy that you pointed me in the right direction! Cheers!

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