AWS Certification Exam Revoked (re-test required)


Hey, my AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam was just revoked by PearsonVUE. I wanted to re-take the exam, but the name was not showing up on the dashboard. Just wanted to ask if revoked exams are available for re-take, and if so, then please provide the estimated time.


asked 3 months ago162 views
2 Answers


If your exam was revoked then it is possible that PearsonVUE blocked your AWS account or you have to wait 14 days before giving 2nd attempt. I would say contact both PearsonVUE and AWS support for better clarity


answered 3 months ago

Please submit a ticket to the AWS Training & Certification customer support team, and they will provide assistance. If you already submitted a case, please allow at least 48 hrs to get a response.

answered 2 months ago

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