Platform versions in Elastic Beanstalk


When I look in the documentation, I can see a range of Python versions (3.8/3.9/3.11) as below:

Enter image description here

However, when I create a environment locally, it will enforce Python 3.10 by default. So I tried instead to create one using Python 3.8 explicitly to follow the above standards. However, then I get warning messages that I am using the incorrect platform version?

Alert: Your environment is using a deprecated platform branch. It might not be supported in the future.

Enter image description here

But checking the environment it seems to be using the recommended version

[For context, my Django app won't deploy - hence I'm getting into a debugging rabbit hole]

asked 2 months ago172 views
1 Answer

The platform version number (3.6.0) does not necessarily correspond to the Python runtime version. Instead, it represents the versioning of the entire platform which includes the OS, runtime, web server, application server, and Elastic Beanstalk components.

A Platform Branch is a category containing a sequence of related Platform Versions. Each Platform Branch is named for the major shared components, like the Python runtime version, and within that branch, there are many Platform Versions that represent incremental updates, improvements, or patches to that base configuration.

You have the option to select a Platform Version within the 3.8.X series from the Platform Branch, even if it isn't the recommended version for that particular branch.

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answered 2 months ago

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