AWS Inspector CVE Scanning


I am using Packer to generate multiple images for AWS, GCP, Azure, VMWare, Qemu and Hyper-V for Ubuntu OS.

Since AWS Inspector is agent based service, can I use it for scanning servers for the above listed platform.

If yes, please provide the references as well.

Also, it seems that Inspector AWS Inspector does not support latest Ubuntu 23.10 22. So is it outdated and works only on past versions?

1 Answer


Thank you for your question.


At this time, it is not possible to run Inspector Scan for on premise servers and it currently only works for EC2 and container workloads on AWS.

There is an existing feature request for this and you can keep track of this through our what's new page - We do not have an ETA as to when this feature will be implemented.

Further you have a query >> if AWS Inspector does not support latest Ubuntu 23.10 22. So is it outdated and works only on past versions?

Kindly note that AWS Inspector does support latest Ubuntu operating system version 23.10 and also supports 22.04 version on scanning. For more information on the same, you can kindly refer the below document.

[+] Operating systems and programming languages supported by Amazon Inspector

Thank you

answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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