Comprehend Entities language



In Java AWS SDK is there mandatory the language parameter when Comprehend.getEntities is invoked ?
If language is not specified, will Comprehend.Entities detect the language, or which will be the behaviour ?

Thank you,
Mihai ADAM

asked 3 months ago96 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Language must be specified when using the pretrained model.

aws comprehend detect-entities --text "hello"

An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the DetectEntities operation: Value 'null' at 'languageCode'failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy enum value set: [ar, hi, ko, zh-TW, zh, ja, en, de, it, fr, pt, es]

If using your own custom model, the language will be detected from the custom model.

answered 3 months ago

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