A snapshot keeps being created on my console everytime I delete it.


Unable to completely delete a snapshot from my aws console. Everytime I delete it, another one is immediately created. I have deleted the volume attached to it. Once i delete the volume, another one is also automatically created. I have checked for any Lifecycle policy and there is none, no other AWS account is sharing the snapshot. There are no AWS Backup vaults.

asked 7 months ago180 views
3 Answers

There are a few things that would cause a new snapshot to be created when you try to delete it.

  • Automation or backup process: Check if there is any automated process or backup system in place that is continuously creating snapshots. Some backup solutions automatically create snapshots before deleting them to ensure data integrity and provide a recovery point in case of accidental deletion.
  • Replication or synchronization: If your snapshots are part of a replication or synchronization process, the system might be creating new snapshots to maintain data consistency across multiple locations or systems. In such cases, deleting a snapshot may trigger the creation of a new one to ensure the desired state is maintained.
  • Dependencies or references: Snapshots can be referenced or used by other resources within your infrastructure. If any other resources depend on the snapshot you are trying to delete, the system may automatically recreate it to fulfill those dependencies. Check if any other resources, such as virtual machines or volumes, are associated with the snapshot.

Hopefully this helps.

Thank you.

profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago
  • Thanks BrianDAnderson



Look for the "CompleteSnapshot" event in CloudTrail.
This event contains information such as the IAM username, so you should be able to tell who created it.

profile picture
answered 7 months ago

Here is a screenshot Enter image description here

answered 7 months ago

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