Why i am not getting Aws Support Response from last 5 days about StepFunction Error StateMachineTypeNotSupported


Hi Hope you doing well.

I have created AWS Technical Support Case but i did not get any response from last 5 days.

Actually i have StepFunction and its type is Standard. i want to connect Apigateway to StepFunction and i want to invoke Apigateway in async manner. 1: i have created I am role :

  • Added AwsStepFunctionFullAccess 2: Action is StartSyncExecution and also tried StartExecution. 3: Added http header in Method Request ( InvocationType ) 4: Added http header and map in Integration Request ( Name X-Amz-Invocation-Type Mapped from method.request.header.InvocationType ) 5: Deployed API and enale Cors.

Make request: i give input via PostMan:

{ "input": "{}", "name": "MyExecution", "stateMachineArn": "arn:aws:states:us-east-1:123456789012:stateMachine:HelloWorld" }

i got this Error: { "__type": "com.amazonaws.swf.service.v2.model#StateMachineTypeNotSupported", "message": "This operation is not supported by this type of state machine" }

i have also tried without http header but i got error . If i execute from the console itwork but if i tried via APi it give me this error??

i also used mapping template in Request integration as mentioned in https://docs.aws.amazon.com/step-functions/latest/dg/tutorial-api-gateway.html

kindly solve this provlem i have to start my application in production i have already wasted my precious 5 days for aws support but got nothing.


2 Answers

Hello Sajid,

We're terribly sorry to hear that your case has not been assigned since creating it.

Your case response window is linked to the support plan you have selected. Please check out the details of this on our Support Plan Comparison page here: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/plans/.

That said, I have reached out internally for additional visibility on your case.

— Ben G.

answered 6 months ago

It sounds like you might be attempting to call StartSyncExecution on a STANDARD workflow. StartSyncExecution is only supported for EXPRESS state machines.


answered 6 months ago

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