Is CloudEndure(CE)/AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery(AWS EDRS) supported for disaster recovery of SAP on AWS?


Is CloudEndure(CE)/AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery(AWS EDRS) supported for disaster recovery of SAP on AWS?

NOTE: This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can benefit everyone

  • Yes, you can use AWS Elastic DR to minimizes downtime and data loss with fast, reliable recovery from disaster

profile pictureAWS
asked 2 years ago575 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Yes, you can use CloudEndure(CE)/AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery(AWS EDRS) to protect your most critical databases, including Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft SQL Server, as well as enterprise applications such as SAP.

We recommend using CE/EDRS for the SAP application servers in conjunction with database replication technologies to a secondary/warm standby server to achieve a low RPO & RTO of your SAP workload. For further details please refer to the SAP Disaster Recovery Solution Using CloudEndure ( blog.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
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reviewed a year ago

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