Kubernetes upgrade



I know it's been very lazy that the cluster wasn't upgraded in time, but here is the situation. I have a cluster running on version 1.21 and nodes running on 1.19 I can't update existing nodes from 1.19. When I click on upgrade it fails, no details description as to why, but my guess its just not supported anymore I can't add new node groups as 1.21 is not support anymore.

I have the option to upgrade the cluster to 1.22, but I'm not sure what that will do to my worker nodes. Would anyone be able to shed some light on this? Is this cluster upgradeable or will it be required to rebuild it completely?

asked 10 months ago318 views
7 Answers

You can follow the blue-green deployment strategy for your EKS Cluster Upgrade.

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
  • Agree With Henrique, you should perform a blue/green upgrade so that you can come up on last available version, so you won't be bother for some time. Here are also links for EKS best practices guide on cluster upgrade that cover both in-place or Blue/green strategies : https://aws.github.io/aws-eks-best-practices/upgrades/


You can refer to this guide: https://engineering.chingari.io/upgrading-amazon-eks-from-version-1-21-to-1-22-a-step-by-step-guide-69172993228f

I would suggest updating minimum to 1.24 as 1.23 will be supported by AWS only until October, 2023.

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answered 10 months ago

Any idea if the worker nodes currently running on 1.19 will remain running after the management nodes are upgraded to 1.22?

answered 10 months ago

A rolling, zero-downtime, cluster upgrade is feasible but a new Node Group should be created for smoothest transition.

answered 10 months ago

If you say that it's feasible, the answer to a 1.19 worker, will continue to run on a 1.22 cluster would be yes right? Under normal circumstances the worker nodes would need to be upgrade to at least 1.20 to be able to run on 1.22, but in this case I'm not allowed to do this anymore...

answered 10 months ago

What about your resources running in the cluster ? there gonna be multiple API deprecations. If you face any of it on your helm releases try this tool :) https://github.com/helm/helm-mapkubeapis

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answered 10 months ago

Ok, well it seems that all the suggestion work fine when you're not this far behind. I'm familiar wit blue green upgrades, but not when you're 3 versions apart And I'm not hearing a definitive answer about wether 1.19 workers can work with 1.22 master nodes, so I will rebuild the cluster and migrate the parts over. The breaking changes from 21 to 22 are also not fun to deal with. No biggy, we don't use much of the k8s ecosystem, so we can easily build from scratch in a couple days :)

answered 10 months ago

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