Windows Server Upgrade from 2012R2 to 2022 unable to connect after upgrade


I am preparing to upgrade an AWS hosted Windows 2012R2 server to Windows 2022.

What I did was follow the upgrade instructions found on using the inplace upgrade procedure. Everything went according to the article, except that the instance never came back as having passed both tests and as a result I am unable to connect to the instance with RDP (glad I am just testing this at this time...).

I took the console screenshot with EC Instance management page, and it shows a login screen, so the server seems to be up and running but remains unable to be connected to. The security groups are fine, they should allow connection to the host. In fact before I started the upgrade I was able to RDP into the instance (I needed to perform tasks there to actually do the upgrade).

Any idea how to fix this ? Is there a way to connect to the console of the instance instead of the RDP connection ? Has the Windows itself somehow disabled the RDP connection by default ?

asked 5 months ago538 views
3 Answers

That's what I was doing anyway, the original instance is up running just fine (other than being an old version), it's the test instance that I am having the issue with. Even that ran just fine before I initiated the upgrade process.

answered 5 months ago
  • Hi, I'm upgrading plenty of 2012R2 servers to 2019 and I have the exact same issue on two of them. The log says "network interface configuration is empty...waiting for an ip". Could you manage to solve it somehow at last?


a bit more info, using the EC Instance management, I was able to get system logs and they have multiple following entries

2023/12/19 10:30:04Z: Network interface configuration is empty...waiting for an IP... 2023/12/19 10:31:05Z: Network interface configuration is empty...waiting for an IP... 2023/12/19 10:32:06Z: Network interface configuration is empty...waiting for an IP...

That would certainly cause connectivity issues :-) But again how should I try to fix this ?

answered 5 months ago

You might consider creating a new instance from a snapshot to get back in service. Then create a new temporary instance from the snapshot and test upgrades there to get to a working process before doing the primary instance again.

profile pictureAWS
answered 5 months ago

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