Below is my function for liveness check so i am getting the Status Expired so what would be the correct approach so that i can get the confidence score and plese make it correct the startIput if it is


async function checkLiveness(job) { try { // Create input object console.log("hello job",job) let Videowidth; let Videoheight const { objectKey, bucketName , params} =; const fileBuffer = await s3Service.getFileFromS3(bucketName, objectKey);

    // Convert Buffer to readable stream
    const fileStream = bufferToStream(fileBuffer);

    // Probe video dimensions using ffprobe
    ffmpeg.ffprobe(fileStream, (err, metadata) => {
        if (err) {
            console.error('Error probing video:', err);

        Videowidth = metadata.streams[0].width;
        Videoheight = metadata.streams[0].height;

        console.log('Video dimensions:', Videowidth, 'x', Videoheight);
    const input = {
        Settings: {
            OutputConfig: {
                S3Bucket:bucketName, // Specify your S3 bucket
                S3KeyPrefix: objectKey,
            AuditImagesLimit: 4, // Specify the limit
        ClientRequestToken:, // Generate a unique token for each request

    // Create command
    const command = new CreateFaceLivenessSessionCommand(input);
    const response = await rekognitionClient.send(command);
    console.log("Liveness session created successfully. Session ID:", response.SessionId);

    const rekognitionStreamingClient = new RekognitionStreamingClient(awsConfig);
            const startInput = {
        SessionId: response.SessionId,
        ChallengeVersions: "1.0",
        LivenessRequestStream: { // LivenessRequestStream Union: only one key present
            ClientSessionInformationEvent: { // ClientSessionInformationEvent
            Challenge: { // ClientChallenge Union: only one key present
                FaceMovementAndLightChallenge: { // FaceMovementAndLightClientChallenge
                ChallengeId: + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2), // required
                VideoEndTimestamp: + 10000, // 10 seconds later
                InitialFace: { // InitialFace
                    BoundingBox: { // BoundingBox
                    Width: 0.2, // required
                    Height: 0.2, // required
                    Left: 0.4, // required
                    Top: 0.3, // required
                    InitialFaceDetectedTimestamp:, // required
                TargetFace: { // TargetFace
                    BoundingBox: {
                    Width: 0.2, // required
                    Height: 0.2, // required
                    Left: 0.6, // required
                    Top: 0.3, // required
                    FaceDetectedInTargetPositionStartTimestamp:, // required
                    FaceDetectedInTargetPositionEndTimestamp: + 5000, // 5 seconds later
                ColorDisplayed: { // ColorDisplayed
                    CurrentColor: { // FreshnessColor
                    RGB: [ // ColorComponentList // required
                        255, // red
                        0, // green
                        0, // blue
                    PreviousColor: {
                    RGB: [ // required
                        0, // red
                        255, // green
                        0, // blue
                    SequenceNumber: 1, // required
                    CurrentColorStartTimestamp:, // required
            VideoChunk: fileBuffer,

    const startResponse = new StartFaceLivenessSessionCommand(startInput);
    console.log("Face liveness session started successfully:========>>>>", startResponse)

    const getResultCommand = new GetFaceLivenessSessionResultsCommand({ SessionId: startInput.SessionId });
    console.log('getResultCommand', getResultCommand);
    let getResultResponse;
    do {
        getResultResponse = await rekognitionClient.send(getResultCommand);
        console.log('getResultResponse-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=>>>>>>>>.......>>>>>>', getResultResponse)
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));
    } while (getResultResponse.Status !== "SUCCEEDED");
    console.log('getResultResponse-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=>>>>>>>>.......>>>>>>', getResultResponse);
    // const getResultResponse = await rekognitionClient.send(getResultCommand);
    // console.log('getResultResponse-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=>>>>>>>>.......>>>>>>', getResultResponse)
} catch (error) {
    console.error("Error creating liveness session:", error);
    throw error;


asked a month ago122 views
5 Answers

To improve the liveness check function and ensure that you receive the confidence score, here are some modifications you can make:

  1. Obtaining Video Metadata Synchronously: Since ffmpeg.ffprobe is an asynchronous operation, you should wait for it to complete before proceeding with other operations. You can use a Promise to wait for the metadata to be retrieved before creating the face liveness session. Here's how you can modify the code:
const metadata = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    ffmpeg.ffprobe(fileStream, (err, data) => {
        if (err) {
        } else {

const Videowidth = metadata.streams[0].width;
const Videoheight = metadata.streams[0].height;

  1. Correcting StartFaceLivenessSessionCommand Invocation: Ensure that you are correctly invoking the StartFaceLivenessSessionCommand and passing the input parameters. The StartFaceLivenessSessionCommand constructor should be invoked with the startInput object, and the command should be sent using rekognitionStreamingClient as shown below:
const startCommand = new StartFaceLivenessSessionCommand(startInput);
const startResponse = await rekognitionStreamingClient.send(startCommand);
console.log("Face liveness session started successfully:", startResponse);

  1. Retrieving Confidence Score: After the liveness session is started successfully, you need to continuously poll for the result until it succeeds. You can access the confidence score from the getResultResponse object returned by GetFaceLivenessSessionResultsCommand. Ensure that you extract the confidence score from the response and handle it appropriately.
profile picture
answered a month ago

But i am not able to get the confidence score

answered a month ago

getResultResponse-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=>>>>>>>>.......>>>>>> { '$metadata': { httpStatusCode: 200, requestId: 'b4f92316-963b-4a83-a185-d3937b3b21db', extendedRequestId: undefined, cfId: undefined, attempts: 1, totalRetryDelay: 0 }, SessionId: '2e1a4eb3-6d65-4a68-aeb5-27df867f83fb', Status: 'CREATED' } getResultResponse-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=>>>>>>>>.......>>>>>> { '$metadata': { httpStatusCode: 200, requestId: 'a5d0baa6-16c9-4e24-8890-6789507a1904', extendedRequestId: undefined, cfId: undefined, attempts: 1, totalRetryDelay: 0 }, SessionId: '2e1a4eb3-6d65-4a68-aeb5-27df867f83fb', Status: 'EXPIRED' } getResultResponse-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=>>>>>>>>.......>>>>>> { '$metadata': { httpStatusCode: 200, requestId: 'a5d0baa6-16c9-4e24-8890-6789507a1904', extendedRequestId: undefined, cfId: undefined, attempts: 1, totalRetryDelay: 0 }, SessionId: '2e1a4eb3-6d65-4a68-aeb5-27df867f83fb', Status: 'EXPIRED' } this is the response i am getting i have implemented do while loop logic which is below and it is getting expired

async function checkLiveness(job) { try { // Create input object console.log("hello job",job) let Videowidth; let Videoheight const { objectKey, bucketName , params} =; const fileBuffer = await s3Service.getFileFromS3(bucketName, objectKey);

    // Convert Buffer to readable stream
    const fileStream = bufferToStream(fileBuffer);

    // Probe video dimensions using ffprobe
    ffmpeg.ffprobe(fileStream, (err, metadata) => {
        if (err) {
            console.error('Error probing video:', err);

        Videowidth = metadata.streams[0].width;
        Videoheight = metadata.streams[0].height;

        console.log('Video dimensions:', Videowidth, 'x', Videoheight);
    const input = {
        Settings: {
            OutputConfig: {
                S3Bucket:bucketName, // Specify your S3 bucket
                S3KeyPrefix: objectKey,
            AuditImagesLimit: 4, // Specify the limit
        ClientRequestToken:, // Generate a unique token for each request

    // Create command
    const command = new CreateFaceLivenessSessionCommand(input);
    const response = await rekognitionClient.send(command);
    console.log("Liveness session created successfully. Session ID:", response.SessionId);

    const rekognitionStreamingClient = new RekognitionStreamingClient(awsConfig);
            const startInput = {
        SessionId: response.SessionId,
        ChallengeVersions: "1.0",
        LivenessRequestStream: { // LivenessRequestStream Union: only one key present
            ClientSessionInformationEvent: { // ClientSessionInformationEvent
            Challenge: { // ClientChallenge Union: only one key present
                FaceMovementAndLightChallenge: { // FaceMovementAndLightClientChallenge
                ChallengeId: + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2), // required
                VideoEndTimestamp: + 10000, // 10 seconds later
                InitialFace: { // InitialFace
                    BoundingBox: { // BoundingBox
                    Width: 0.2, // required
                    Height: 0.2, // required
                    Left: 0.4, // required
                    Top: 0.3, // required
                    InitialFaceDetectedTimestamp:, // required
                TargetFace: { // TargetFace
                    BoundingBox: {
                    Width: 0.2, // required
                    Height: 0.2, // required
                    Left: 0.6, // required
                    Top: 0.3, // required
                    FaceDetectedInTargetPositionStartTimestamp:, // required
                    FaceDetectedInTargetPositionEndTimestamp: + 5000, // 5 seconds later
                ColorDisplayed: { // ColorDisplayed
                    CurrentColor: { // FreshnessColor
                    RGB: [ // ColorComponentList // required
                        255, // red
                        0, // green
                        0, // blue
                    PreviousColor: {
                    RGB: [ // required
                        0, // red
                        255, // green
                        0, // blue
                    SequenceNumber: 1, // required
                    CurrentColorStartTimestamp:, // required
            VideoChunk: fileBuffer,
    // const startInput = {
    //     SessionId: response.SessionId,
    //     Videowidth:Videowidth,
    //     Videoheight:Videoheight,
    //     ChallengeVersions: "1.0",
    //     LivenessRequestStream: { // LivenessRequestStream Union: only one key present
    //         VideoEvent: { // VideoEvent
    //           VideoChunk:fileBuffer, // e.g. Buffer.from("") or new TextEncoder().encode("")
    //           TimestampMillis: Number("long"),
    //         },
    //     }
    //     // ChallengeVersions,
    //     // VideoHeight,
    //     // VideoWidth,
    //      // Use the SessionId from CreateFaceLivenessSessionCommand response
    //     // Provide other required fields for StartFaceLivenessSessionCommand as per your application logic
    // };
    const startResponse = new StartFaceLivenessSessionCommand(startInput);
    console.log("Face liveness session started successfully:========>>>>", startResponse)

    const getResultCommand = new GetFaceLivenessSessionResultsCommand({ SessionId: startInput.SessionId });
    console.log('getResultCommand', getResultCommand);
    let getResultResponse;
    do {
        getResultResponse = await rekognitionClient.send(getResultCommand);
        console.log('getResultResponse-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=>>>>>>>>.......>>>>>>', getResultResponse)
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 6000));
    } while (getResultResponse.Status !== "SUCCEEDED"&& getResultResponse.Status !== 'EXPIRED');
    console.log('getResultResponse-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=>>>>>>>>.......>>>>>>', getResultResponse);
    // const getResultResponse = await rekognitionClient.send(getResultCommand);
    // console.log('getResultResponse-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=>>>>>>>>.......>>>>>>', getResultResponse)
} catch (error) {
    console.error("Error creating liveness session:", error);
    throw error;


answered a month ago

I have shared you my response as well as the function

answered a month ago

It seems that the getResultResponse is not changing its status from "CREATED" to "SUCCEEDED" or "EXPIRED" as expected. It might be due to the condition in the do-while loop not evaluating to true for either "SUCCEEDED" or "EXPIRED" status.

Here's the corrected logic for your do-while loop:

let getResultResponse;
do {
    getResultResponse = await rekognitionClient.send(getResultCommand);
    console.log('getResultResponse-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=>>>>>>>>.......>>>>>>', getResultResponse);
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 6000));
} while (getResultResponse.Status !== "SUCCEEDED" && getResultResponse.Status !== "EXPIRED");

This loop will continue fetching the result until the status is either "SUCCEEDED" or "EXPIRED". Make sure to adjust the timeout duration (setTimeout) according to your requirements.

profile picture
answered a month ago

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