API connection to RDS from self-hosted server



So I am currently working on a game REST API (node.js)and would like to know why does error with "Error retrieving data from database" appear and how can i fix it? I made research and tried reducing firewall rules, as it might be a problem and nothing happened. I also thought it might be firewall at AWS RDS but I also tried reducing the rules and it still apears. Postman image


If anyone have any idea how i could fix this without using AWS Lambda please let me know.

edit: also as i searched the postman error it apears to be code 500 internal server error

  • Did you allow security group inbound access for your IP? Also can what did you get in err string?

asked 3 months ago215 views
2 Answers

What does console error print out?

If your app and database are in same vpc, then rule out security groups by bring permissive temporarily or just using vpc reachability analyser tool: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/reachability/what-is-reachability-analyzer.html.

If they are in separate boxes, you may need an interface vpc endpoint https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/vpc-interface-endpoints.html

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answered 3 months ago

So I get this message for error:

Enter image description here

answered 3 months ago

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