Root Email login


I'm getting an error when I attempt to login with root email.

There was an error An AWS account with that sign-in information does not exist. Try again or create a new account.

asked 2 months ago121 views
2 Answers


It seems the email address you provided can not be recognized by AWS security system. I suggest you can reach out AWS account customer service team for further assistance.

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answered 2 months ago

Hi ciaAdmin,

Issues accessing AWS accounts or their resources usually fall under one of these categories:

A browser issue prevents you from signing in. You can't sign in to an AWS account because you're using incorrect credentials (email address, username, or password). Or, you forgot the credentials that you use to sign in to an AWS account. You received a notification that there is an issue with your AWS account (for example, that it's closed or suspended). You turned on a multi-factor authentication device (MFA) for your account, but the device is lost, broken, or doesn't work.

Follow the processes on this link:

If the previous methods don't work and you still can't access your account, then contact AWS Support with the Amazon Web Services Support form:

answered 2 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 months ago

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