t2 to t3a compatibility issue, ena driver not attached to eth0


I am trying to change a working t2.small instance to a t3a.small instance and getting a compatibility error trying to start the instance as a t3a.small. I have run the nitro_check_script.sh on the instance and it has returned three Oks. Doing a modinfo ena, I see that the ena module is loaded. However, when I do an ethtool -i eth0, the installed driver is shown as vif and not ena. This is the only incompatibility I can find. I am running Ubuntu 20.04 and it is completely up to date. How do I go about installing the ena driver on eth0 instead of the vif driver? I have tried modprobe ena and I get an error message that the operation is not permitted. Any assistance in getting this instance running as a t3a.small would be appreciated.

asked 8 months ago251 views
1 Answer


Did you enable the enaSupport attribute with the command below?
Also, you need to stop EC2 once to execute the command below.

aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute --instance-id i-xxxxxxxx --ena-support
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answered 8 months ago
  • I have tried that twice. It did not change the network driver to ena.

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