How can you setup an alert/notification when SES daily sending quotas exceeded


I've searched all over but cannot find where or how to setup an alert, i.e. email, to my team when we are approaching and/or exceeding our 24hr sending quota, specifically for Amazon SES. I thought perhaps creating an alarm through CloudWatch was possible but was unsuccessful in doing so.

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

Steps to Set Up Alerts for SES Daily Sending Quotas

Enable SES Metrics in CloudWatch:

Amazon SES publishes sending metrics to CloudWatch automatically. These metrics include the number of emails sent. Ensure that your SES metrics are being published to CloudWatch.

Create a CloudWatch Alarm:

Set up a CloudWatch alarm to monitor the number of emails sent and to notify you when a certain threshold (e.g., approaching your daily sending quota) is met.

Configure Amazon SNS for Notifications:

Create an SNS topic and subscribe your email (or other communication channels) to this topic. Configure the CloudWatch alarm to send a notification to this SNS topic when the alarm state is triggered.

Step 1: Enable SES Metrics in CloudWatch

SES metrics are available by default, but you should confirm that metrics like Send, Delivery, Bounce, etc., are available in CloudWatch.

Step 2: Create a CloudWatch Alarm

Go to the CloudWatch Console:

Open the AWS Management Console.

Navigate to CloudWatch.

Create a New Alarm:

In the CloudWatch console, click on Alarms in the left-hand menu, then click the Create alarm button.

Select SES Metric:

Click on Select metric.

In the "Browse" tab, choose SES.

Select the Sent metric (this metric represents the number of emails sent).

Configure the Alarm:

Set the conditions for the alarm. For example, if your daily quota is 50,000 emails, you might want to set the threshold to 45,000 to get alerted before you hit the limit.

Example: "Whenever the Sent metric is greater than or equal to 45000 for 1 day(s)".

Set Notification:

In the "Actions" section, choose to send a notification to an SNS topic when the alarm state is triggered.

Step 3: Configure Amazon SNS for Notifications Create an SNS Topic:

Go to the SNS Console.

Click on Topics in the left-hand menu, then click Create topic.

Name your topic and create it.

Subscribe to the Topic:

Once the topic is created, click on it to open the details.

Click Create subscription.

Choose the protocol (e.g., Email) and enter the endpoint (e.g., your email address).

Confirm the subscription through the email you receive. ** Link CloudWatch Alarm to SNS Topic:**

Go back to the CloudWatch alarm creation page.

Under the "Actions" section, select the SNS topic you created earlier.

Example CloudWatch Alarm Setup

Here’s an example configuration for the alarm:

Metric: SES Sent

Condition: Greater than or equal to 45000 for 1 day

Actions: Send notification to your-sns-topic

answered 19 days ago

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