Server for Web application


Hi everybody

We want to install a web app on an Amazon server. Can anybody help me determine if these requirements are met on AWS?As an amateur, I don't have much knowledge about this. The developer asked me for this information.

Hosting Service (Host/Server) Connection details for: FTP/SFTP SSH SMTP Email Sending Service Installation prerequisites: PHP 8.2 with default extensions and Ctype, iconv, PCRE, Session, SimpleXML, Tokenizer DBMS: MariaDB v10.9 | Postgres v14 Dependency Manager: Composer v2.5 Web Server: Apache HTTP Server v2.4 Additionally, it is necessary that the required DNS records for the root domain be configured (parked) on the hosting service.


asked 9 months ago234 views
2 Answers

Yes, absolutely. This is a very simple setup and its rare there is a scenario AWS cannot accommodate as the world's most advanced cloud platform.

That said, you will need someone to setup and administer the environment and services on AWS. So it will either need to be someone you hire, your developer, or yourself. If you are just getting started, one option would be to checkout Lightsail ( Otherwise, you will want to familiarize yourself with services like Amazon SES, EC2, RDS, and Route53, using SSH, and basic Linux commands, to meet these needs.

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

Hi, to minimize your effort, LighSail with PHP is the way to go. See for a tuto on how to install the LAMP stack.

Re. FTP/SFTP, I also strongly suggest to use AWS Transfer Family: It is also a managed service.

Why managed services? Because it relieves you from the non-differentiating heavy-weight lifting done for you by AWS: patching, scaling, high availability, etc. are executed by AWS service teams. You developers can focus only on application code.

Hope it helps!


profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago

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