RDS Blue/Green deployment cannot create the green primary instance


I have a multi-AZ instance deployment of an RDS instance, currently on 5.7.44. The blue/green deployment appears to be stuck in "PROVISIONING" state and can't seem to get past the "CREATING_READ_REPLICA_OF_SOURCE" task. Additionally, there's never a "TargetMember" suffixed with the "-green-xxxxx" ARN for the deployment. Notable details about the blue green deployment:

  • I'm keeping the engine version the same (5.7.44)
  • I'm selecting the default db parameter group for 5.7
  • I'm using the same instance class

The original RDS (blue) instance has no custom option groups and I'm not specifying any major engine version upgrade upon creating the blue/green deployment. Additionally, I can confirm that I can successfully manually create a read replica of the original instance, with a status of "replicating" on it.

I can't seem to find any notion or information as to why the green instance cannot finish creating. Is there any way to ascertain what's wrong with my RDS instance's configuration?

asked 3 months ago253 views
2 Answers

I did look through RDS Events, however since the issue was with the green primary not coming up, there was no info available to diagnose why the green read replica could not successfully finish. I tried recreating the B/G deploy multiple times, with the same end result.

I gave up on the b/g deploy and proceeded with promoting a read replica manually.

answered 3 months ago

In this specific scenario, you can check the RDS Events to notice for any errors, if there are no errors observed, you can delete the B/G deployment and try to create it again.

Hope it helps and if it does, I would appreciate if answer can be accepted so that community can benefit for clarity when searching for similar enquirers in Repost, thank you ;)

answered 3 months ago
  • "deleting the B/G deployment" and trying again is not a solution.

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