AWS Data Transfer Free Tier



What happens if I overwrite my free tier? Do I have to pay then? And is the first 100GB of Data Transfer free again the following month?

Greetings, Nick

asked 4 months ago252 views
1 Answer


Anything beyond the AWS free tier will incur charges, so you will need to pay for it.

Q1: If I go over the Free Tier limit in a given month, how much will I have to pay?
If your usage exceeds the monthly Free Tier limits, you simply pay standard, pay-as-you-go AWS service rates. See the AWS Pricing page for full pricing details.

100GB per month is available in the free tier.
Next month you will be able to use 100GB for free again.

AWS customers receive 100GB of data transfer out to the internet free each month, aggregated across all AWS Services and Regions (except China and GovCloud). The 100 GB free tier for data transfer out to the internet is global and does not apply separately or individually to AWS Regions.

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago

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