AWS EFS rest API to manage file and folder of any filesystem


I'm working on research for Amazon EFS. What I figured out:

  • File system
  • Moute it with ec2 of Linux
  • mkdir file and share it among different EC2 instances.

What I can't find

  • how to work with files and folders in RestAPIs or in Postman
  • Even the handling of files is not given in the EFS SDK document

Could anyone please shed some light if it's possible to work with files like upload/download/list/archive with RestAPI or with SDK

asked a year ago895 views
1 Answer

EFS is network file storage, so it is not possible to upload, download, list, or archive files via Rest API or other means.
The only way to do this is to mount and manipulate files from EC2, etc.

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answered a year ago
  • If that is so, is it possible to work with files using code? Is any client library available?

  • If EFS is mounted with NFS, it would be possible to manipulate files using the code. For example, in Python, the "open()" function can be used to open and write files. The "os" module can also be used to delete files.

  • could you please provide me some documentation for the same or a more detailed version of it? It would be really helpful

  • The open() function is documented below. open() is a built-in Python function and can be used as is.

    The following document is the documentation for the os module. The os.remove() function here can delete files. Incidentally, os.mkdir() and os.rmdir() can also be used to create and delete directories.

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