Anybody else having problems signing into AWS Skills builder / Training & Certification?


I can sign into my AWS Management Console ok today, but am having problems sigining in to AWS Skills builder / Training & Certification. It takes me to a page title 'Midway Authentication Portal' and asks for Amazon username and PIN? I have neither of these and never have needed before? Is anybody else having same problem?

asked 10 months ago422 views
2 Answers

Hi, 'Midway Authentication Portal' is not for SkillBuilder community users. You should find another link asking to log with Amazon

Enter image description here

If you're not a partner, an employee, you should ignore the other links: it will be a dead-end for you.

If you don't get image above, I would suggest you to clear your browser cache and restart from



profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago

Actually, it's just started working again now, must have been a temporary problem. Thanks.

answered 10 months ago

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