Cant connect my ec2 instance to a domain


Hi, im trying to connect my ec2 instance which has an elastic IP to a domain's web. The domain i purchased is from hostinger but it doesnt work. I contacted the support center of hostinger and they told me everything was going fine by their side. The problem is from AWS. I have double checked absolutely everything and it seems everything is fine, but for some reason i cant see my instance content through my domain. By the way, my Public ip of my ec2 instance works:

  • Even I'm facing exactly same problem. I have added the A record with ip address. I'm able to access my website using Ip address but not through domain name. Can someone please help. I think this problem is specific to hostinger domain names.

asked a year ago3202 views
3 Answers

Did you update your domain by adding an entry like an A record that points the the EC2 instance IP? A for example?

Also I would recommend that you place the server in a private subnet (within your VPC) and then have a load balancer to direct traffic to your instance. This will provide some security for your instance as it won't be accessible from the outside directly.

You can learn more about this setup from the VPC User Guide example -

Hope this helps.

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answered a year ago


As the website is accessible via the IP, we can eliminate any network issues relating AWS. Assuming that the A record on your hostinger is configured and pointed to the IP Could you please verify that this record is configured correctly? ->

Also, note that sometimes the DNS records can take up to 24 hours to propagate.

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answered a year ago

Even I'm facing exactly same problem. I have added the A record with ip address. I'm able to access my website using Ip address but not through domain name. Can someone please help. I think this problem is specific to hostinger domain names.

answered 5 months ago

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