How retrieve latest file uploaded in a specific s3 bucket folder using php language?


I need to retrieve latest file uploaded in a specific s3 bucket folder using php language.

Currently, I'm using "aws/aws-sdk-php" library. I implemented a script that retrieve the full list of files. In order to calculate the latest file date, I must loop for all files.

I need to retrieve latest file uploaded in a specific s3 bucket folder using php language. Currently, I'm using "aws/aws-sdk-php" library. I implemented a script that retrieve the full list of files. In order to calculate the latest file date, I must loop for all files.


asked 4 months ago338 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


How about registering S3 object information in DynamoDB etc.?
For example, when a file is put using an S3 trigger, you can start Lambda and register the object creation date, object path, etc. in DynamoDB, and then you can search for the latest object without looping with a PHP script.

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