Migrating existing data from DDB to ES Domain


I have to migrate data from DDB to ES Domain, and I have come across this DDB zero-ETL integration with AWS ES approach. As per this, we will configure a pipeline role, create a pipeline and domain, but I am unable to understand how will the data flow. Will it be triggered automatically? https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opensearch-service/latest/developerguide/osis-get-started.html

asked 2 months ago211 views
1 Answer

The initial migration will use DynamoDB Export to S3 feature, dump a copy of your table in S3 which the OpenSearch Pipeline will then ingest and write into OpenSearch.

You can aslo configure ongoing replication in which the OpenSearch Pipeline will consume the changes from DynamoDB Streams and edit the data in OpenSearch for you.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 months ago

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