Just getting started


I am at day one of my journey with AWS. I need to get a server up and operational as soon as possible. I have watched a couple YouTube videos on an overview of AWS but I still have areas I do not understand. I have set up an account (Obviously I am sending out this question ) I just cannot verify that I have the following server requirements.

Hyper-V Enabled Operating System (Windows 8.1+) 8 GB Available RAM 40 GB Hard Drive Space VMware Install Requirements:

I went in and created EC2 instance and the GUI is different than the one used on the YouTube videos. I believe I chose a Windows server but I was not able to locate the area that provided RAM or Storage requirements and the pricing for these resources.

asked 6 months ago244 views
2 Answers

Please review this documentation for EC2 Instance types and associated memory and cPU : https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/. Also, please review skill builder trainings for your learning. https://explore.skillbuilder.aws/. For example, AWS Technical Essentials training.

answered 6 months ago

The quantity of RAM and CPU are determined by the instance type you select, these can't be varied like you may be used to doing in a more traditional hypervisor - if you need more CPU or RAM then you need to uplift the instance type.

Specs for each instance type, and their cost (which can vary from region to region) are here https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/on-demand/

Disk will be delivered by Elastic Block Store, the type you should choose depends on your use case, details are here https://aws.amazon.com/ebs/pricing/

You mention that Windows to be "Hyper-V Enabled" and also "VMware Install Requirements". If you're intending to run a hypervisor on this new instance there is more information about running Hyper-V on EC2 here https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/running-hyper-v-on-amazon-ec2-bare-metal-instances/

It's not possible to run VMware on EC2, instead look into VMware Cloud on AWS https://aws.amazon.com/vmware/

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answered 6 months ago

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