How to separate organisation users permissions by the access level and environments?



We have such situation:

  • we have several groups (dev, qa, admins, and so on)
  • we have several environments (dev, stgae, prod)
  • we have only one aws organization account

the questuin is: how to separate all the users by the env and permissions?

What i mean is, for example, developers should have all the access on dev and stage but to not have any permissions on prod. same situation with qa. but admins should have the access everywhere.

We were going to use the switch role, but all our resources are mixed and if i am not mistaken developers still will have access to the prod resources even if we are going to map this role with read only permissions, so as we have not any tags which could separate dev stage and prod. i am wondering what is the best practice how to do it. i saw some articles that to separate environments we need to have different AWS accounts but it is not possible in our case cause we need to do migrations for this on prod which is not good variant. Are there any other variants?

So, please advise how to separate those environmetns in one single organisations and grant different permissions for those environments for the different groups?


1 回答

Hi There

If you are not using tags, how are you differentiation between dev, stage, and prod resources if everything is in one account? Example, how do you know which is a dev EC2 instance vs a Prod ec2 instance? You need to use some form of tagging, and then create permissions policies and roles based on those tags. See

We also recommend adopt a multi-account strategy, and separate workloads into different AWS accounts. This way, you use the AWS Account as the security boundary. Example, all Dev resources go into the Dev account, and you grant permissions to the account to your dev users, rather than individual resources. You can use tag based policies above to further reduce the permissions to adhere to the principle of least-privilege. See

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