AWS SES FDL(feed back loop) with email provider


How to set email feed back loop with email provider to send the complaint back to Amazon SES.

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Amazon SES actually handles the email feedback loop setup with major email providers on your behalf. You don't need to configure anything directly with your email provider. Here's a breakdown as How Email Feedback Loops Work:

1/ When someone marks your email as spam, their email provider registers a "complaint" against your sending domain.

2/ Major email providers (like Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) have established feedback loops with Amazon SES.

3/ Upon receiving a complaint, the email provider sends a notification to Amazon SES through this feedback loop.

Amazon SES can notify you of these complaints in many ways: Monitor complaints: Once the email feedback loop is set up, you can monitor complaints in the Amazon SES console. This will allow you to take action on complaints and improve your email-sending program. Email Forwarding: This is the default option. SES sends you an email with details about the complaint (sender, recipient, etc.). Amazon SNS Notifications: You can configure SES to send notifications to an Amazon SNS topic, which can then trigger further actions (e.g., sending you a text message or logging the complaint).

Some good reads :

P.S : Contact your email provider if your email provider has not setup feedback loop: first step is to contact your email provider and request them to set up an email feedback loop for your Amazon SES account.

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已回答 1 个月前
  • Thanks for the answer Akad.

    You answer completely make sense, but I red all these documents and made changes according I have SNS and Lambda protocol has been set up. still experiencing as below mentioned.

    We're currently using Gmail for email services. When marking emails as spam and informing SES to treat them as complaints, subsequent emails from the same sender should ideally be directed to the spam folder and logged as 'eventType: complaint.' However, despite marking as spam, these emails are still landing in the inbox and logging as 'eventType: delivered.' Should we consider setting up a Custom MAIL FROM domain since we currently have no such setup, and our DMARC value is 'v=DMARC1; p=none'?

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