AWS RDS Patching


Is there any way to roll back a RU (patch)? I'm running RDS Oracle 19c.

已提问 3 个月前392 查看次数
3 回答


Amazon RDS for Oracle does not support rollback operation. It supports neither major version downgrade [1], nor minor version downgrade [2]. Taking a snapshot beforehand is recommended for helping the rollback process should it become necessary.





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I want to perform a minor version downgrade from 2024 Jan RU to 2023 October RU. Does this operation cause any loss of data?

已回答 3 个月前
  • Since Amazon RDS for Oracle does not support rollback/downgrade in place, this would mean going back to the snapshot created before the upgrade. If that is what you have in mind, all data change in the database that was made since the snapshot creation will be lost. On the other hand, if you do not want to loose any data, you may choose to create another database instance with the older minor version (Oracle OCT-2023 RU in your case), and copy the data from the upgraded instance (Oracle JAN-2024 RU). Further in this case, if you have any means available to replay all the transactions since upgrade, then you could create the new instance using the snapshot you have taken before the upgrade and then replay the transactions there to catch up.


For downgrading best and fastest way is to restore the pre upgrade snapshot but you will loose any data which is update/inserted after the upgrade ,you can always look to fix the issue in the new patch version ,else need to use native export/import between the Oracle Version or use any data migration tool to move the data based upon time-frame

已回答 2 个月前

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