App Stream authentication with AWS Managed AD


How do I setup App Stream 2.0 integration with an AWS Managed AD. I would like to use SSO for the domain users to have access to resources that I publish within App Stream such as File Shares. and network drives. I have changed the Identity providers to AWS Managed AD within IAM Identity Centre but unable to publish the App with Application Assignment. Do I need ADFS on top of AD to be able to do that.

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You should not need another SAML Identity Provider (ADFS), as you already have one (Identity Center) to work together with AppStream.

Follow the following documentation to setup the domain joined fleet:

Follow the following documentation to setup Identity Center and assignment of the application to users/groups in Identity Center: (create an application, select AppStream 2.0 in Identity Center and then follow the instructions. this maps to Step 4 "Configure SAML 2.0" of the AppStream doc)

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