Trouble Connecting to Amazon DocumentDB with TLS Enabled


Hello AWS community,

I'm encountering an issue while trying to connect to my Amazon DocumentDB cluster with TLS enabled. I've followed the instructions provided by AWS, but unfortunately, the connection isn't working as expected.

Here are the details I've followed:

  1. Downloaded the Amazon DocumentDB Certificate Authority (CA) certificate:

    • I used the following command to download the CA certificate:
  2. Attempted to connect using the mongo shell:

    • I ran the following command:
      mongosh --ssl --host --sslCAFile global-bundle.pem --username sma --password <insertYourPassword>
    • Note: I replaced <insertYourPassword> with my actual password.

However, I'm encountering the following error:

MongoServerSelectionError: read ECONNRESET

I've also tried using the new tags with replacing deprecated tags --tls flag and --tlsCAFile, but the issue persists.

I've also tried for both clusters with 2 certs rds-ca-rsa2048-g1 and rds-ca-2019, but didn't work.

Any insights or suggestions on how to troubleshoot this further would be greatly appreciated. Has anyone else encountered a similar problem?

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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