EC2 instances crash...



I'm currently using an Ubuntu EC2 t2.large instance for specific needs. Before switching to AWS, I was using VMware without any issues. However, I've been experiencing some crashes with my EC2 instances lately. I suspect it might be related to disk issues, but I'm not sure why this is happening. For example, in one instance it affects my GitLab server, and in another, it impacts my Apache server running a Laravel application. It doesn't seem to make any sense.

Does anyone have any ideas?

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已提問 3 個月前檢視次數 436 次
1 個回答


Based on the error it has troubles with snumbd1d, which is part of Acronis. Is any chance you can uninstall it and check if it help?

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已回答 3 個月前
  • Oh nice, yes you're right. Since Acronis agent is installed on my ec2 i have this bug ..

    how to fix ? i need my agent


  • What about opening a support ticket with Acronis? They can probably help with it as it's their specific software. You can try to upgrade to the latest versions of kernel but anyway it's better to check with Acronis.

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