S3: How to improve performance of fetching a list of images from S3


The index of an E-commerce website must display a list of product images, which will be updated regularly. The backend of this website is developed using Spring Boot. Each time the index page loads, it sends a request to the Spring Boot backend to retrieve data regarding product prices and images. Upon receiving the request, the Spring Boot backend retrieves product information from RDS and images from S3. During this process, how can the performance of fetching a list of images from S3 be enhanced?

已提問 2 個月前檢視次數 270 次
2 個答案

The. following sections in Best practices design patterns: optimizing Amazon S3 performance may help

As this is a web site, you can use Amazon CloudFront CDN to cache S3 image contents at edge locations and improve performance. Refer to blog Improve your website performance with Amazon CloudFront for performance best practices.

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Multiple things can be done to improve the performance of S3. First, you can use Multi-Region Access Points to ensure the data is available in different regions with automatic failover. In addition, you can use CloudFront to host the website, redirect dynamic requests to the compute instances, and cache content at the edge, which will drastically increase performance. Using CloudFront, AWS will then automatically use the Backbone to send the request back to the user.

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