CloudWatch error : An error occurred while describing log groups : Rate exceeded


Could anyone please help me how I can solve the below error in AWS.

I am seeing "rate exceeded " error and not able to add/ trigger cloudwatch logs from lamda.

I could see " An error occurred while describing log groups : Rate exceeded " when I am trying to check for cloudwatch logs.

已提問 2 年前檢視次數 2357 次
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You can use the FilterLogEvents or GetLogEvents API calls to list your log events or log streams. These API calls have a hard limit, and don't qualify for a limit increase. This means that if you use the FilterLogEvents API to search for log events from a specified log group, the default quaAPI has a default quota of 5 transactions per second (TPS) per account/Region. If you reach this limit, you receive the RateExceeded error.

Use these best practices to avoid throttling errors in this use case:

Use a subscription filter to immediately retrieve log data from CloudWatch logs in real time. For more information, see Using CloudWatch Logs subscription filters and Real-time processing of log data with subscriptions.

Use CloudWatch logs Insights to quickly get log data from CloudWatch logs. You can use queries to filter your logs to view specific log groups.

Export log data to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for batch use cases. This method isn't recommended for real-time analysis and processing because log data can take up to 12 hours to become available for export from CloudWatch Logs. Refer the link below for a detailed explanation.

Link- -- [1]

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