Questions about request statistics in CloudWatch


Please tell me about request statistics in CloudWatch.

  1. I want to filter the total number of requests by source IP or API key and get a breakdown of the number of requests.
    Can I specify filter conditions for metrics?

  2. Can I get statistics on the number of error requests for specific status codes like '302', '403'?
    Also, can I get statistics on error status codes from API Gateway and error status codes from backend?

  3. I want to get statistics on the number of requests by status code.
    So, I have to set the x-axis to the status code and the y-axis to the number of requests.
    Can I change the x-axis to a dimension other than date range?

gefragt vor 4 Jahren344 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


Unfortunately none of the features you are requesting exist with API Gateway metrics out of the box, but can be achieved through the use of API Gateway access logs and metrics filters.


beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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