Upgraded to larger Instance, why can't I bring the old snapshots?


Hi all. I upgraded to the next tier Lightsail instance using a snapshot. I don't want to pay for a smaller copy instance I'm not going to use but I'd like my base setup snapshot before I installed SSL certificates to be available to my new larger instance. They seem tied specifically to the smaller instance?!?! How can I take them over to the bigger instance as a retrievable snapshot in case I have problems and need to roll back to the smaller instance's very basic setup? I can't believe this isn't just a "copy snapshot" button.

Edited by: YoudThinkThisWouldBeEasy on May 16, 2021 1:00 AM

gefragt vor 3 Jahren303 Aufrufe
5 Antworten

Could you clarify your question a bit?
Are you asking for a way to create a smaller instance from a snapshot of a larger instance?
I.e., you want to create a 512mb instance from a snapshot of a 1gb snapshot?

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David G
beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

No, I have snapshots of my Lightsail instance that only existwith the smaller instance - my default creation.

I've upgraded to a larger Lightsail instance (you have to start a new one to do this), but if I delete my smaller instance I will lose my previous snapshots and therefore my default install pre-SSL and HSTS. So if something goes wrong with my security certificates in August, I can't just reload a pre-SSL version of my website to keep it going -> they will be deleted with my smaller instance!

Why can't I carry the snapshots over to the larger instance? It's just a backup/copy of an instance?

****If I go to my older smaller instance and go to my snapshots of this instance, the options for each snapshot are:
Create New Instance
Copy to Another Region
Copy to Amazon EC2
Delete Snapshot

No "Copy to another instance" which would be incredibly useful... as in I can't believe it's not there already...

Cheers for any help - might there be a way before I delete the smaller instance and lose that ability to restore from backup snapshots?

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

Are you talking about automatic snapshots?

If you keep an automatic snapshot, it gets listed (or copied to) in the main snapshot list and can be retained forever.

I created an instance last year, saved an automatic snapshot, and deleted the instance. I can still restore the snapshot to the same, or larger, instance anytime I want.

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David G
beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

Thanks for your reply David.

This might answer my question then as I assumed if I delete the instance my Manually saved snapshots would also delete.

I don't use automatic snapshots, I take a snapshot at different stages of build so I can go back if needed (website isn't going to be dynamically changing, very static design).

I'm just worried if I delete an instance, the snapshots go with it. If they stick around, then you're right, I could re-install from my manual snapshots...?

See Below Screengrab - looks to me like if I hit delete on the smaller instance, I lose those 2 snapshots which are important...


UPDATE: I just deleted the smaller instance, decided to just go for it based on your info.
IT DOES WORK! The snapshots are still there and I can create a new instance from them, THANK YOU SO MUCH DAVID!

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

David answered the question about deleting an instance - it doesn't delete your snapshots, they are separate entities so you can safely delete an instance, keep the snapshots of that instance and restore/create a new instance from those snapshots should you need to. Thanks David!

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

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