Pinpoint Phone Number Validator providing wrong info



I noticed the Amazon Pinpoint Phone Number Validator is currently providing wrong formatting information. For instance for the following sample Ethiopian Mobile number : +251911223344 Pinpoint Phone Number Validator shows the national number is : 911223344 However the national number format is : 0911223344 , it's missing a leading zero.

gefragt vor einem Monat92 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

=>To address the issue with the Amazon Pinpoint Phone Number Validator providing incorrect formatting information for Ethiopian mobile numbers, you can take the following steps:

=>Report the Issue: Contact Amazon Pinpoint support or visit their support forums to report the issue. Provide detailed information about the problem, including the specific example you mentioned (+251911223344) and the discrepancy in the formatting.

=>Provide Feedback: If there's an option to provide feedback within the Pinpoint console or documentation, use it to report the issue. This can help the Amazon Pinpoint team identify and prioritize the problem.

=>Temporary Workaround: While waiting for a fix from Amazon, you can implement a temporary workaround in your application. You can programmatically check for Ethiopian mobile numbers and adjust the formatting by adding the leading zero if it's missing.

=>Stay Updated: Keep an eye on updates from Amazon regarding Pinpoint or any related services. They may release patches or updates that address the formatting issue.

=>Consider Alternatives: If the issue persists or if you require immediate resolution, consider alternative phone number validation services or libraries that provide accurate formatting for Ethiopian mobile numbers.

=>Verify with Official Sources: Double-check the national number format for Ethiopian mobile numbers from official sources or telecommunications regulatory bodies to ensure accuracy. If there's a discrepancy, it's important to provide this information to Amazon Pinpoint support.

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