Using Rekognition to process a batch of images on an S3 bucket


Hey all. I'm looking for guidance on using the AWS CLI to scan a batch of images on an S3 bucket with Rekognition. I've been able to successfully 'detect-labels' on a single image stored on my bucket. The goal is to identify images in adult content and move them into a separate folder to moderate manually. I've not seen anywhere in the docs how to scan a folder, only a single image, and it can't possibly be that I should need to use yet another AWS service to do the same exact operation on a folder instead of a single file? Thanks for reading.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren809 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


Just curious if you have looked into Lambda to do the processing of those images when they are uploaded? Links to tutorials & blog:

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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