Displaying temperature on the STM32L4 Discovery Kit Board


I am able to send messages from the the STM32L4 Discovery Kit Board to the AWS Cloud as I have gone through the fist steps guide https://docs.aws.amazon.com/freertos/latest/userguide/freertos-prereqs.html. Although now I would like to display sensor data specifically temperature from the board to the cloud, how can I do this? (I asked this question before although I am still unsure)

  • Hi Obinex. I don't understand what's missing in the previous answer. I showed you how to get the temperature in firmware and put it in an MQTT message. And I pointed you to a blog that covered how to ingest the data in the cloud and services to use for display. What are you unsure about? What have you implemented?

  • Sorry Greg_B, I just saw your message from the last question, it all makes sense now, thank you

  • Hi Obinex. Glad we could help with the answer on your previous questions. Could you provide feedback on both questions (up voting and/or accepting the answer). This helps close the thread and allows others to find helpful answers. Thx!

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