Guidelines for registering 10DLC Campaign


We are setting up a 10DLC campaign to use for MFA with Cognito. I have submitted the campaign and tried to keep the messaging close to the documentation as much as possible. The campaign has been rejected twice with Opt-in process not compliant or opt-in is not explicit, Opt-out details are unclear, Campaign subscriber HELP issues. This is the totality of the feedback. Is there a message template I should be using? Is there any information or language that should always be included? I have multiple campaigns set up on Twilio and have never had a problem like this.


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preguntada hace 10 meses965 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

More information on the “Opt-in process not compliant or opt-in is not explicit” rejection reason can be found in the excerpts below taken from -

Opt-in process not compliant or opt-in isn't explicit.

The opt-in workflow that you have provided is either insufficient, non-compliant, or not explicit for end users to receive specific SMS messages. A compliant opt-in process will clearly specify how your recipient is able to provide their explicit consent to receive SMS messages. Some common rejection reasons: missing explicit language around SMS opt-in consent, mismatch between provided company name and message samples, receiving a text message can't be required to sign up for service, or SMS opt-in consent can't be included in the Terms of Service.

Since the rejection feedback was about Opt-Out and HELP - “Opt-out details are unclear, Campaign subscriber HELP issues”, I would recommend going through your Opt-In workflow and Help message to ensure they meet the requirements. Specifically, your response messages if your customers send STOP and HELP messages.

More info about the Opt-in workflow and Help message can be seen in the excerpt below taken from -

d. For Opt-in workflow, enter a description of how users consent to receive SMS messages. The description has to be a minimum of 40 characters. For example, by filling out an online form on your website. If you have multiple opt-in methods, they have to be listed as well.

e. For Help message, enter the message that your customers receive if they send the keyword "HELP" to your 10DLC phone number. The message has to be a minimum of 20 characters.

Your customers can reply to your messages with the word "HELP" to learn more about the messages that they're receiving from you. They can also reply "STOP" to opt-out of receiving messages from you. The US mobile carriers require you to provide responses to both of these keywords.
The following is an example of a HELP response that complies with the requirements of the US mobile carriers:
ExampleCorp Account Alerts: For help call 1-888-555-0142 or go to Msg&data rates may apply. Text STOP to cancel.
The following is an example of a compliant STOP response:
You are unsubscribed from ExampleCorp Account Alerts. No more messages will be sent. Reply HELP for help or call 1-888-555-0142.
Your responses to these keywords must contain 160 characters or fewer.
respondido hace 10 meses
  • Thanks. Your advice did get me past the Stop Message and Help Message rejections. Still working on Opt-in Workflow


Hey, we are currently going through the same issue our campaign keeps getting reject because of our opt-in. However we followed every instruction on the guidelines. Did you end up figuring it out?

respondido hace 3 meses

In a way, yes. I tried lots of different strategies for opt-in and consent language, cause that is where the hold up seemed to be. Eventually I opened a ticket with support, where they told me to just resubmit. I did and it passed, so it is not totally clear what was wrong before. I would say for sure include a working link to your privacy and consent policy, I know that tripped me up at first. Actually using a LLM like chatgpt could be a pretty good strategy just to give you a baseline on how that stuff should be written. Ultimately I think we are going a different direction for our MFA, so I'll probably never see how Pinpoint pans out.

respondido hace 3 meses

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