VPC Lambda targets of EventBridge Scheduler


I implemented an EventBridge Scheduler to target Lambda in a VPC. I placed the Lambda in three Availability Zones. How does EventBridge determine which Lambda to call?

preguntada hace un año581 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Event bridge doesn't choose, it doesn't have any visibility into the configuration of the function. When the Lambda service receives the invocation request from EventBridge, if there are no warm execution environments available it will create a new one and connect that to one of the ENIs that have been provisioned in each of your subnets. The Lambda service will try to balance execution environments across the ENIs that are available.

respondido hace un año
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revisado hace un año
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revisado hace un año
  • Correct, is more the internal “Lambda load balancer”/control plane that decides dispatch to availability zone

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