Domain transfer



I'm trying to transfer domain from another DNS service (OTHER) from Bluehost to AWS.


  • Turn off privacy
  • Domain lock OFF
  • DNSSEC disable
  • Exported DNS records from OTHER
  • Created hosted zones in Route 53
  • Imported DNS records - all good
  • I get Auth code from OTHER

But when I go Domains > Registered domains > Transfer in > Single Domain, my request fails with a description of the issue.

Request Failed: [We can't finish transferring your domain. Contact AWS Support at for further information.]

Despite using the same contact information as provided in OTHER. Can anyone know what the problem is?


preguntada hace 3 meses153 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


Have you reviewed the domain transfer requirements listed in the document below?

I recommend contacting AWS Support as indicated in the error message.
If you have any problems with domain transfer or registration, you can contact AWS Support for free by opening a case under "Account and billing".

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respondido hace 3 meses
  • Thank you, I sent them an inquiry and I'm waiting for a reply.

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