Deleted Route53 Hosted Zone, but A records are still populated


I moved my domain to a service outside of AWS. I deleted the Route53 Hosted Zone with the DNS entries for my domain. However when I do a DNS Lookup on the domain, it still resolves to the two Amazon IPs that contain it in an A record. It's been a few days now and the TTL is set to 600 seconds but AWS won't release those DNS entries. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? I have zero resources related to that domain that exist anymore.

Any ideas why these are still populated?

nslookup Server: Address:

Non-authoritative answer: Name: Address: 15.X.X.X (AWS IP) Name: Address: 3.X.X.X (AWS IP)

preguntada hace un año708 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

The reason might be that the DNS records haven't yet expired. TTL (Time To Live) determines how long the records will be cached by the resolvers. If the TTL value is set to 600 seconds, it means that the DNS resolvers will cache the records for 10 minutes. You need to wait until the TTL value expires, and then perform the DNS lookup again to see if the AWS IPs have been released.

If the issue persists even after the TTL has expired, you can try the following:

  1. Clear the cache of the DNS resolver that you are using to perform the lookup.
  2. Try the lookup from a different DNS resolver to confirm if the issue is specific to your current resolver.
  3. If the issue still persists, you can reach out to the service provider you moved your domain to and ask for assistance.
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