Route 53 cname entries not working


I have a domain in route 53 for my organization. It's a new domain and uses WorkMail successfully. However, I would like to set up two redirects, one for to redirect to my old web domain and pages, and another call to redirect to the webmail application in WorkMail.

When I make the changes, they don't seem to be propagating or be useable at all. Some of the cname entries have been in there more than 72 hours, but yet when I call up the domain using the web service none of the cname entries appear. The NS records for the domain are set to: NS records Name server Revalidate in 48h 48h 48h 48h

So the AWS DNS servers are the master for the domain. What could be happening here? What have I missed? I have not had this issue with other services, particularly the service I'm moving from.

preguntada hace un año2036 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

Private zones will not be resolvable over the internet. Are you running public,private zone or split horizon where you have the same domain as private and public?

The records need to be in a public zone for internet resolution. Also the record the cname points too also has to be resolvable over the internet if this is being tested externally.

You can't do a "redirect" with a cname, its only an alias to another dns records. The webserver would have to have the HOST set to be that of the requested HTTP Domain being requested by the browser.

Its not clear if the Zones and the A records the CNAME resolves to are internal or external (Public) domains

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respondido hace un año
  • This is configured as a public zone so should be available outside to the Internet.

  • And the A records the CNAME point too are also in a public zone?

  • How do I make it so that it's in a public zone?


try to create a cname registry to you ec2 public name, hope it works for you

respondido hace un año

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